


① 親睦会

② 朝まで生討論

③ 自転車旅行(近辺)


The event is back!! The popular Pirates game will be our first event this year.  The date will be Sunday, July 12th. The location hasn`t been fixed yet but it will be posted ASAP (Theme Park etc. somewhere easily accessible in the greater Tokyo area). The leader of this event (conductor) is a university student, Shin-kun. You can look forward to this event because Shinkun has great ambition and is a good decision maker.

  Well, you might be thinking...  What the hell is Pirates game? Well, said as simply as possible its a game similiar to Tag. Participants will be divided into the pirate team and the runaway team, and the pirates must find and catch the other team within the decided area range. One of the runaway will be given a special `treasure` and if this person is captured by the pirates and held unitl the end of the game then the pirates team will be the winners.  However, regardless of how many opposing team members they have captive at the end of the game, if they dont have the person who holds the treasure then the runaway team win.  The identity of the person holding the treasure is known only by the runaway team and will be only be revealed to the pirate team at the end of the game so a winning team can be declared.  Simple, right?  The time limit is usually 90 minutes. This limit has been suitable in the past. The point of this game : to have nostalgic fun, make friends and maybe get some much needed exercise. Also tactics, cunning and team work are required to capture or evade the other team`s members. Who will be victorious...the pirates or the runaways?

  The location will be an interesting area of limited space suitable for this game..like a park, beach, shopping area, theme park (if you have any suggestions please make a comment).  Previous locations include Odaiba, La Qua and Kamakura beach. So...you must be interested by now, right? Please join us!! 




いやぁーみなさん冬の間にじっくり体を休めて、自分と向き合えましたか?Child's Play For Adult再始動です。

さしあたり6月中にも何かイベントをやりたいなぁと思っています。なにか革新的な思い付きがありましたら、ぜひメッセージフォームよりご意見お寄せください。一緒に楽しいことをやりましょう!!場所は関東圏(東京都心等)で「遊び」の内容は理念通りお金をかけないでやること。公衆の面前でポリス的に迷惑はかけないで、エキサイティングに楽しむこと。などなどです。詳しくはour principleをご参照ください。今後企画していることは......

パイレーツゲーム 都心のテーマパーク等をジャックして行う大規模鬼ごっこ。海賊と逃亡者(だったけ?)でチームわけをしてチームワークを発揮しながら制限時間内に逃げ切るor捕まえきるを行うゲーム。

    Upcomings of CPFA


    This page posts up events CPFA, the Tokyo-based unique group whose aim is to cause chaos and fun to the city, is planning ahead of time.